Dare To Be Great This Christmas?
dare Motivation are here to help you stay in shape and guide you away from those enticing mince pies and sweets over the Christmas period, or to simply help you with your usual workouts. With their nutritional ingredients and functional superfoods, dare allows you to embrace life’s adventures, big or small, to allow yourself to feel empowered and achieve your fullest potential.
To help you even further, dare are offering you an amazing 20% off Motivational Shake, as well as a free shaker and a T-shirt! See below for the code.
AWESOME20 - 20% OFF Discount Code + Free T-shirt + Free Shaker bottle
Valid until 31/12/2021
T&Cs: Can not be used in Conjunction with another code
What makes dare Motivation so special? It is a family run business trying to make their dream into a reality. Therefore, from one family to another, dare is the perfect product to gift your loved ones this Christmas.
Plus, January is the perfect time for a health kick and to shed those extra pounds you gained over the Christmas period, so if your users are searching for Nutritionally Complete powdered plant based beverages that can be used as a Nutritious snack or as part of a Meal Plan, then look no further than dare Motivation!
If you have an promotion opportunities for January, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Chris & The dare Motivation Team
Tags: 20% off, Christmas, FREE shaker, free t-shirt, motivational shake