Create and Craft Free P&P Birthday Celebrations

Written by Gary on . Posted in Awin, Home & Garden, Promotion

Merchant ID: 4453

Merchant Name: Create and Craft

Offer: Create and Craft Free P&P Birthday Celebrations

Start Date: 10/04/2014 (6pm)

End Date: 16/04/2014 (8pm)


Commission Rates: 4% for all existing customers and 8% for all new customers

Offer Details:


It's time to celebrate Create and Craft's birthday in style with Free P&P on ALL orders starting tomorrow evening.

From papercraft and sewing to baking and knitting, there is something for all crafters to enjoy in our extensive range of thousands of products.

A widespread Free P&P message like this doesn't happen too often at Create and Craft, so this is sure to be a huge incentive for our customers as well as for all new visitors to us this week.

Our current structure rewards our affiliates with 4% commission for all existing customers to Create and Craft who make a purchase, with 8% commission available for all new customer orders generated.

We have a selection of birthday themed banners for you to use in this event that are now available for you to use.

There is no code for customers to use, so the Free P&P offering will automatically apply when orders are placed.

The event starts tomorrow so make sure you are getting this event promoted in time for the launch.

We will also send out another post soon that will highlight some of the key products in the event.

If you have any questions regarding the Create and Craft birthday event then please email me at


Gary Cutler


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