Clas Ohlson - We're changing our commission structure!
Hi all,
We have recently made changes to our commission structure; this is due to take place on Monday 31st October 2016. We are changing to Commission by Basket Value.
The following commission structure will be implemented:
- Basket value over £20 – 7%
- Basket value over £35 – 8%
- Basket value over £55 – 9%
If a transaction does not meet the requirements of a commission by basket value rule then the default commission model will be used. This can be found below:
- 7% (standard)
- 8% >= 10 sales
- 9% >= 20 sales
Many Thanks,
Clas Ohlson Team
Tags: clas ohlson, Commission, cpa, garden, hardware, home, Multimedia, revenue