Christmas Ab Belt Offer From Slendertone

Written by Optimus Performance Marketing on . Posted in Awin, General Promotions, Health & Beauty, Offers/Promotions, US

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Christmas Ab Belt Offer From Slendertone

Start the New Year with Slendertone and make an early start on the 2015 summer body. From the 26th of December 2014 you can enjoy a $50 saving on this amazing Abs Offer Bundle from Slendertone.  Get the 10 Program Ab Belt, 2 packs of gel pads, the Slendertone Diet and Nutrition Guide, Free Shipping and a 2 year warranty! 



10 Program Ab Belt

10 Program Ab Belt

Tone, flex and strengthen up your abs with our most powerful ab toning belt. The Slendertone 10 Program Abdominal Muscle Toner uses advanced clinically demonstrated EMS technology to tone and firm your stomach muscles. Includes Bonus set of GelPads.

Our Price $79.99 (from 26/12/14)

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