Cartridge People: Own Brand Cartridges & Halloween Competitions

Written by CartridgePeople on . Posted in Affiliate Incentive, Business Services (B2B), Competitions, General Promotions, Halloween, Home & Garden, Home Appliances, Ireland, Offers/Promotions, Office, Promotion Type, Seasonal Promotions, UK, Voucher Codes

Hello Affiliates! Halloween is getting closer! We thought we'd share with you which Cartridge People Own Brand Cartridges are currently proving to be popular. Do try and promote these with code AFFCP - 8% off Cartridge People Own Brand Ink Cartridges. In case your affiliate id is not populated in this email, please remember to replace '!!!id!!!' with your publisher ID when using the deep links. REMINDER: Our Halloween competitions are still live so please remember to promote them as well! Halloween Instagram Photo Contest - Win A Lush Pumpkin Gift Set - ends midnight, 4th November!
Halloween 2019 Competition - Sweet Jar Count Facebook / Twitter - ends midnight, 31st October! Happy Promoting, Nicky and Louise!

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[Own Brand Voucher Code & Halloween Compeittions


Cartridge - People - Halloween
AFFCP - 8% off Cartridge People Own Brand Ink Cartridges
Hello Affiliates!
Halloween is getting closer!
We thought we'd share with you which Cartridge People Own Brand Cartridges are currently proving to be popular.  Do try and promote these with code AFFCP - 8% off Cartridge People Own Brand Ink Cartridges.
In case your affiliate id is not populated in this email, please remember to replace '!!!id!!!' with your publisher ID when using the deep links.
REMINDER: Our Halloween competitions are still live so please remember to promote them as well!
 Halloween Instagram Photo Contest - Win A Lush Pumpkin Gift Set - ends midnight, 4th November!
Halloween 2019 Competition - Sweet Jar Count Facebook / Twitter - ends midnight, 31st October!
Happy Promoting,
Nicky & Louise!
Compatible MLT-D116L (SU828A) Black High Capacity Toner Cartridge (Own Brand)

Compatible- MLT-D116L- (SU828A)- Black- High- Capacity -Toner -Cartridge -(Own- Brand)!!!id!!!&p=%5B%5Bhttps%253A%252F
Compatible Canon PGI-550PGBKXL, CLI-551XL BK/C/M/Y Black & Colour High Capacity Ink Cartridge 6 Pack (Own Brand)

Compatible- Canon- PGI-550PGBKXL- CLI-551XL- BK/C/M/Y -Black- & -Colour- High- Capacity- Ink- Cartridge -6- Pack- (Own- Brand)!!!id!!!&p=%5B%5Bhttps%253A%252F%252F
Compatible HP 302XL Black High Capacity Ink Cartridge (Own Brand)

Compatible- HP- 302XL- Black- Ink- Cartridge- (Own- Brand)!!!id!!!&p=%5B%5Bhttps%253A%252F%252
All prices correct at the time of newsletter send.
AFFTON - 5% Off Compatible Toner Cartridges.
AFFSTK - 15% off selected Stock Clearance items.
AFF3D - 10% off 3D Printing Pen.
Your Cartridge People Home Page Deep Link: 
The Cartridge People brand is a Trademark brand in Europe and the UK operated under licence by The Cartridge People Ltd. Company Registration Number 08257316. Registered Office: Unit 13 Orion Park, University Way, Crewe, CW1 6NG.

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