Burton Ireland Affiliates: New Offer Gone Live

Written by Alexandra.Djivanovic on . Posted in Fashion, Fashion, General Promotions, Ireland, News, Offers/Promotions, Promotion

Hello Affiliates,

Please find below the latest offers from Burton Menswear Ireland - please remember

to include your unique affiliate ID withinall the links below.
For information regarding commission groups and terms and conditions of the

Burton Menswear affiliate programme, please see the Burton Menswear Ireland profile page.

If you want to get in touch, please email: alexandra.djivanovic@affiliatewindow.com

Starts 12 February 2016 - End Date TBC
Free Shirt When You Buy a Suit from €114

Happy promoting!
The Burton Menswear Ireland Affiliate Team
Copyright © 2016 Affiliate Window, All rights reserved.

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