BT Voucher Competition!

Written by piotr.sobocinski on . Posted in Affiliate Window, Awin, Offers/Promotions, Promotion, Telecoms, Telecoms, Voucher Codes

Hi everyone,

Hope you are doing great!

First of all congratulations to all the winners of last month’s Voucher Competition!

Great news is that BT are running the competition this month as well.

Just a quick reminder of what the competition is - anyone who generates a good uplift in sales this month (compared to April) can win great vouchers from BT. Up for grabs are a £50 BT Shop or Next Voucher and runners up can get £20 Dominoes Vouchers.

(Remember to replace ‘!!!id!!!’ with your personal PID)!!!id!!!&clickref=&

Totally Unlimited BB. Half price for a year, then £16/mth* + £25 Sainsbury’s Gift Card *Plus line rental from £10.75/mth from Month1.

BB & Calls £6.50 for 3 months, then 13/mth* + £25 Sainsbury’s Gift Card *Plus line rental from £10.75/mth from Month1.

BT Infinity (Fibre Optic).  Half Price for 3 months, then £18/mth* + £40 Sainsbury’s Gift Card *Plus line rental from £10.75/mth and £30 activation charge.  Offer ends at midnight on 18th April.

Totally Unlimited BT Infinity (Fibre Optic).  £20/mth for 3 months, then £26/mth* + £40 Sainbury’s Gift Card.  *Plus line rental from £10.75/mth.  Offer ends at midnight on 18th April.

There is creative in the BT Darwin profile (BT Total Broadband > Links & Tools > Banners & Links) to support the above offers and there are also jpeg assets to support the £25/£40 gift card offers under the document section of the BT Profile: BT Total Broadband > Profile >Documents

We had some great results last month and we appreciate your hard work. If you would like to WIN this month make sure you give as much exposure as you can to generate possible sales.

Good Luck!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks,