Bookable Holidays Weekly Deals

Written by Bookable Holidays on . Posted in Programme Launches

Bookable Holidays






Bookable Holidays will be bringing you a fantastic range of Exclusive Deals ever week that are guaranteed to tempt your readers and visitors to book bargain holidays, in turn making you big commission!


Every Monday at 16:00 Bookable Holidays will send live a new batch of exclusives. We will be using a continuous URL for both the Deal of the week Banners/Scrappers and static text links so just access the Bookable Holidays program and upload them once and get fresh deals every week!


We spend a large amount of time and effort identifying the most desirable destinations and key selling hotels, we than go out and get exclusive deals making sure that you are promoting offers that will book.


So look out for our fantastic offers updated every Monday!





Craig Ashford
Marketing Director


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