Best Books & Games for September

Written by Chris on . Posted in Uncategorized

As September is now upon us, Waterstones have released their brand new books of the month and games of the month for customers to get stuck into this next month. From thrillers by Agatha Christie to board games inspired by Disney, there is so much to choose from when shopping at Waterstones. Check out the pages below:

As well as this, Waterstones have a wide selection of other ranges, such as their bestsellers, best paperbacks, most popular and their coming soon collection. These are great to push out on your sites too as readers are always looking for new stories and reads to dive into and get lost in. You can make sure they don't miss out on what Waterstones have to offer. Check out their ranges below:

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions you'd like to ask, or if there are any promotional offers you would like to share with us. We would love to hear from you.


Chris and the Waterstones team