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Chinese New Year banners now available

Written by Western Union on . Posted in Programme Launches

Dear affiliates,


As Chinese New Year approaches (Sunday Feb 10th) we wanted to ensure that those of you with relevant traffic have creative available to promote this event.  As you are probably aware it is customary at this time of year for the Asian community to exchange a ‘red envelope’ containing money, hence UK residents may be looking to send money to friends and family in Asia and around the world.  Please note, a particular USP for China is that both of our payment methods have the same fee, which is not the case with all regions.  A recap on these different transfer methods are included below:


Money In Minutes (MIM) - Money paid out in cash at physical store locations around the world

Direct to Bank (D2B) - Money transfer into a bank account


I have uploaded various sized banners into the interface for you to utilise, these are available in the usual ‘banners and links’ section of the interface.


I will also take this opportunity to inform you that from the beginning of February we will be reducing the commission from the higher level launch commission of £9 GBP to the standard level of £7 GBP.  However I am pleased to report that as a result of the more competitive ‘flat fee’ pricing and overall reduced fees that we are now offering to many regions we have seen the conversion rate and volume of transactions per month rise considerably so it’s a great time to maximise on this success.


Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any queries or specific requirements and we look forward to your continued promotion of the programme in 2013!


Best regards


The Western Union and Profero affiliate team

Chinese New Year banners now available

Written by Western Union on . Posted in Uncategorized

Dear affiliates,

As Chinese New Year approaches (Sunday Feb 10th) we wanted to ensure that those of you with relevant traffic have creative available to promote this event. As you are probably aware it is customary at this time of year for the Asian community to exchange a ‘red envelope’ containing money, hence UK residents may be looking to send money to friends and family in Asia and around the world. Please note, a particular USP for China is that both of our payment methods have the same fee, which is not the case with all regions. A recap on these different transfer methods are included below:

Money In Minutes (MIM) - Money paid out in cash at physical store locations around the world
Direct to Bank (D2B) - Money transfer into a bank account

I have uploaded various sized banners into the interface for you to utilise, these are available in the usual ‘banners and links’ section of the interface.

I will also take this opportunity to inform you that from the beginning of February we will be reducing the commission from the higher level launch commission of £9 GBP to the standard level of £7 GBP. However I am pleased to report that as a result of the more competitive ‘flat fee’ pricing and overall reduced fees that we are now offering to many regions we have seen the conversion rate and volume of transactions per month rise considerably so it’s a great time to maximise on this success.

Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any queries or specific requirements and we look forward to your continued promotion of the programme in 2013!

Best regards

The Western Union and Profero affiliate team