Kelkoo now offers an easy feed solution through GoldenFeeds, this makes it much simpler to generate a product feeds for your website or application. Use your existing Affiliate ID to sign up here or Login if you already have a Golden Feeds account.
Watch our step by step video that will show you how simple it is to create a Kelkoo product feed and download it in minutes.
A data feed is a text, csv or xml file which can be imported into an MYSQL database, from where you can display it's content on your website. The file contains the product to be sold with parameters such as; picture, size, price and description.
Using the Kelkoo product feed allows you to easily choose the products you want to use for your website and earn on every click to a merchants page. The EasyFeed interface is simple to use and you can compile a product feed to download in minutes.
If you are an existing Kelkoo affiliate, set up an account here using your affiliate ID or Login if you already have a Golden feeds account. It takes a few minutes to sign up and then you can start to create your feed. You can create as many feeds as you like, each of your feeds will display in the dashboard and you can download the file when you want.
Watch the walkthrough video and see how you can easily set up a product feed to use for your website or application, watch the video now.
If you have any questions about your partnership with us or any issues setting up with Coull, be sure to makecontact and we'll do our best to help and get you up and running as soon as possible.
Thanks and have a great week!
Kelkoo Affiliate Team
For affiliate enquiries please contact:
Partner Account Manager: Chris Theodorou or
Affiliate Marketing Executive: Tom Cummings