Are You Leaving Money on The Table?

Written by cbasin on . Posted in Programme Launches

I have been around affiliate marketing now for many years and I am old enough to remember the golden days when you sent traffic to a merchant's website and no matter how much you sent it just converted really well.

Well, I think we have a winner. ClickBasin is new to AW and for a change we have a site that does what it says on the converts. No fuss, no fancy graphics or sales rubbish, no, we have a site that has great products, great prices and a good old fashioned business ethics that is geared up for top class customer service. What a refreshing change!

From an affiliate point of view it is one of those little golden nuggets you find once in a while;  if you have not joined the program and got links up you probably are, leaving money on the table.

So if your affiliate brain is looking for new ideas and promotions to promote come give us ago and in return we will look after you with a nice healthy 8% commission and no fuss attitude just like the good old days!