Affiliate Window Launches The Liberty Funeral Plans Lead Generation Campaign!

Written by ChrisA on . Posted in Programme Launches



Affiliate Window is pleased to announce the launch of a new lead generation campaign for one of the UK’s leading funeral plan providers – Liberty Funeral Plan, provided by Funeral Planning Services Limited.


About Liberty Funeral Plans

Liberty Funeral Plan is provided by Funeral Planning Services Limited; an independent British company specializing in the administration of funeral prepayment plans.


Since it was established in 1995, the company has enabled over 63,000 people to pay for a funeral in advance, with the knowledge that their friends and family are protected from the emotional and financial burden of arranging a funeral.


Funeral Planning Services Limited works in partnership with independent funeral directors throughout the UK who provide a caring and personal service whenever the need arises.





Affiliates will receive £6.00 commission per customer requesting a free Liberty Funeral Plan brochure. Valid leads are customers that are unique (not already within the Liberty Funeral Plan database).


The short, easy to complete data capture form can be found here.


Affiliates will have unique banners, logos and e-mail html for the campaigns. Should you need any additional creative please contact me directly


The Liberty Funeral Plan lead generation campaign is open to all types of publishers except cashback and loyalty. Liberty Funeral Plans are only available to UK residents. International leads will not be accepted on this campaign.


For those of you that require data posting instructions from lead capture on your own sites, please contact me directly.


To apply today, click here


Look forward to hearing from you!

