1st July 2013

Publisher News

It is always worth taking a closer look at the stats and trends that stand out in terms of mobile and that is exactly what we have been doing since we released our first white paper back in 2011. We have once again analysed how m-commerce has developed across the network and other channels in the 3rd edition of our m-commerce white paper. Get in touch to receive a copy.

The rise of the voucher code sector is indisputable as these sites are large revenue drivers for the performance industry. However, if you are a content-based website owner, do not despair as there are other ways that you can utilise this sector while maintaining the integrity of your site. Keep reading as our Traffic Acquisition Specialist, Sylvia Nankivell discusses exactly this in this week’s Publisher Services Tips.

Another contentious topic in the voucher code sector is the issue of exclusivity. Replication of exclusive codes is something that many advertisers along with affiliate networks (Affiliate Window included) are trying to combat. Joel Tobias from Net Voucher Codes discusses When is an Exclusive Voucher not an Exclusive Voucher in an interesting article via 4DX Media. Well worth a read.

Now if you’re reading this newsletter then you are probably pretty clued up on what you need to do to make money online. However, there is no such thing as too much knowledge and so we would recommend taking a look at this article published by The Independent “Five ways to make money on the internet.”

Finally, how would you like to be Tarzan for the day? Go Ape is holding an affiliate day on Wednesday 10th July and they want you there! We can’t promise you an African Jungle but North London, the Go Ape HQ, is a good compromise. Take to the Tree Tops on their Classic Tree Top Adventure and get a feel for what the company is all about. Slots are available from 11am and 1pm so sign up now.

Until next time,

Jasmin Hassan
Online Editor


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