15th April 2013

Publisher News

Earlier this year, web browser provider Mozilla Firefox announced a new feature blocking third party cookies by default. This move naturally caused uproar in the online advertising industry with SVP and General Counsel, Mike Zaneis of the IAB US calling it a “nuclear first strike against (the) ad industry.” The backlash has led to an online petition led by the IAB Long Tail Alliance with those against the move coming together to express their disapproval. With over 646 signatures received to date, this is an issue that has clearly struck a chord in the industry. What are your thoughts on the proposed changes? Have your say by signing the petition and learn more about the cause via the A4u.

Continuing with IAB news, we recently spoke to the IAB in the UK to discuss what separates Affiliate Window from the masses. The article highlights our difference in approach when attracting new clients compared to our competitors. For those of you perusing over this newsletter now, you probably do not need any convincing, but the article still makes for an interesting read.

Finally, have you ever wondered if affiliate links do indeed harm SEO? Our Traffic Acquisition Specialist, Sylvia Nankivell answers the question in her latest blog article examining the value of using no-follow tags. Affiliate links are essential for tracking performance and leads. But since search engines discount affiliate links, and cloaking of links is a big no-no in SEO, the safest and most valuable option is to try and gain an additional, non-affiliate link to your web page. Educate yourself on the inner workings of SEO and access the full article here.

Until next time,

Jasmin Hassan
Web Editor


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