25th February 2013

Publisher News

Oscar history was made last night at the 2013 Academy Awards as Daniel Day Lewis picked up his third Best Actor award for Lincoln. Of course, what is Oscar night without the best and worst dressed lists? Some say Jennifer Lawrence ‘won’ the Oscar for best dressed, but despite differing opinions, the buzz of the red carpet combined with the fresh memory of London Fashion Week inevitably encourages the shopaholic in all of us to come out and play. Luckily for you, we have grouped together all the latest cutting edge fashion offers for you to add to your site for instant trend appeal.

Make sure you have March 10th circled in your diary as that is Mothering Sunday, and it is fast approaching! This Mother’s Day, a whole host of offers are available for the ‘run off their feet mums’ who could do with some pampering and putting their feet up, the glamorous mums who enjoy the finer things in life and those jet setting adventure mums. For all publishers who will be promoting these offers, we have created a category for all of this information on TheHub. So go on, show those mothers across the country that they are very appreciated– even if it is just for one day.

There are exciting developments underway at Resorthoppa – from the 1st March, the programme will be working on a multi-attribution model which means publishers will now be awarded for assists and not just on last click! This will allow for a more transparent approach and will enable Resorthoppa to fairly reward publishers in a much more flexible way. Learn more about the multi-attribution model and get ahead of the crowd by joining the programme.

Finally, were very pleased to have The Drum’s supplement on performance marketing land on our desks recently. As sponsors of the publication we were able to give our opinions on key topics such as the value of cashback and the importance of the IAB Pwc findings. Have you downloaded yourself a copy yet?

Until next time,

Jasmin Hassan
Web Editor



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