16th July 2012

Publisher News

Schools out for summer! Well not just yet, but for most children in the UK this is the last week of term and that means parents up and down the country are racking their brains on how to keep their little darlings occupied and happy in those six long weeks. When the weather holds up, trips to the park, countryside visits and days by the seaside make keeping the kids amused easy. However, with the washout weather we’ve been having lately, last minute family holidays will be on top of every thinking parent’s agenda. Whether it be a holiday to the beach somewhere, a cultural excursion to a big city or even a trip to the magical kingdom known as Disneyland, we have a dedicated travel section on TheHub to help publishers promote the best deals for summer holiday breaks.

To prove just how important the mobile landscape is in the performance marketing sector, we published our first ever Mobile Infographic last week. Key data from our second edition of the M-Commerce white paper M-commerce: The complete Picture was used to highlight the growth of mobile. You can view the complete infographic here.

If you’re heading to the US to attend Affiliate Summit East this August, then make sure you visit our latest article on the Affiliate Window US blog. It details all the ways you can connect with our team during the event, including our stand number, speaker slots and social media channels. In other global news, an exciting announcement from the folks over at the A4U - 2013 will see the launch of the A4U global performance marketing conference in New York. The two day conference will bring together a wide range of industry professionals ranging from world class speakers to performance marketing figureheads who will share the latest insights and strategies.

Until next time,

Jasmin Hassan
Web Editor


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