10th December 2020

Publisher News


We have a new offer, just in time for the December and January sales! It's our brand new bundle deal.

Design your own bed and use the code WIN50 for 50% off, if that wasn't good enough - you can now take advantage of our bundle deal to get a whopping 50% off a new mattress too! Please note that using this code results in 5% commission.

We believe relaxation should start at the beginning. We made our first bed in 2006, a lot has changed over the years. Todays demand due to small spaces means we demand more storage for our beds so we help customers find the perfect look, colour and size, that still meets their storage needs.

We wanted a solution that makes our customers lives easier, so after years of research and development, came the bed designer tool. Means that customers can have the look they want, the way they want it, without breaking the bank.

We've just launched our new mattress range. We don't want to bore you with springs and things, we just wanted to give you the same mattress in a box without the faff. Simply slide our slothometer and choose how you want to sloth. You get all the standard mattress in box but without all the faff.

  • 10 years guarantee
  • 100 night free trail
  • free delivery.

Please let us know if you would like to join our program, we would love to have you on board.


Arista Living



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