14th May 2019

Publisher News

Dear Affiliates,

We are pleased to announce that for 1 WEEK ONLY, SEA LIFE BRIGHTON is offering 20% commission on total ticket sales. Please update your website and help us generate more ticket sales for the next week and utilise this limited time opportunity to earn double the current commission on ticket sales.

For further details or questions, please contact emily.lunness@strangcorp.com

Start Date: 8th May 2019

End Date: 15th May 2019

Participating Attractions: Tickets bought on and for SEA LIFE Brighton only

Website: https://www.visitsealife.com/brighton/tickets/

Ts&Cs: Usual terms and conditions apply.

Commission Structure - 10% of the total ticket price. Commissions will only be paid on tickets sold for the UK attractions listed above; transactions MUST be carried out through one of the above UK attractions - any transactions that report into the Default commission group are subject to 0% commission.

Cookie Length - 30 days

PPC Policy - Pay per click advertising is permitted based on adherence to all PPC restrictions



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