4th December 2018

Publisher News




Free Christmas tech gift from Simba Sleep!

Treat yourself to better sleep on a Simba Hybrid Mattress, and we'll reward you with a fantastic tech gift.

Step 1: Purchase a Simba Hybrid Mattress between 03 and 17/12/2018 using the code XMASGIFT at checkout.

Step 2: After purchase, Simba will send a confirmation email for the offer, the claim period and the unique claim code.

Step 3: Visit our promotional website and enter the unique claim code.

Step 4: Choose the gift: Amazon Echo Dot, Fitbit Alta HR or Lumie Bodyclock, where to have it delivered and enjoy!

Important: the claim period starts 14 days from the mattress order date, and customers have a two-week window before it closes to register and redeem their free gift.

See full terms here and FAQ’s here

Promote code XMASGIFT to claim free tech gift from Simba Sleep!


You should replace the '!!!id!!!' with the publisher ID when using the deep link above.
Happy promoting!




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If you have any queries or would like to request anything please contact Simba Sleep, and we are happy to help: email: affiliate@simbasleep.com




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