Free Christmas tech gift from Simba Sleep!
Treat yourself to better sleep on a Simba Hybrid Mattress, and we'll reward you with a fantastic tech gift.
Step 1: Purchase a Simba Hybrid Mattress between 03 and 17/12/2018 using the code XMASGIFT at checkout.
Step 2: After purchase, Simba will send a confirmation email for the offer, the claim period and the unique claim code.
Step 3: Visit our promotional website and enter the unique claim code.
Step 4: Choose the gift: Amazon Echo Dot, Fitbit Alta HR or Lumie Bodyclock, where to have it delivered and enjoy!
Important: the claim period starts 14 days from the mattress order date, and customers have a two-week window before it closes to register and redeem their free gift.
See full terms here and FAQ’s here.