25th June 2015

Publisher News

For the month of July we are offering exclusive discounts across our entire range of luxury jewellery at JewelStreet.

10% off everything at JewelStreet using the code JEWELSTREET10. Giving you 10% commission. (Exclusions apply)

Increased discount of 14% off any orders over £150 using the code JSJLY1045. Giving you 5% commission. (Exclusions apply)

For cashback sites we are offering 10% off across everything on our site and 15% on orders over the value of £100. (Exclusions apply)

300 curated jewellery Boutiques in one online marketplace. JewelStreet brings independent jewellery designers and brands from across the globe together in one online community that introduces savvy style seekers to one of the finest, most diverse jewellery collections in the industry. With over 14,000 products ranging from under £20 to over £5,000, there is something to suit every taste and budget. We offer free delivery on all items over £40 and a 30 day money back guarantee.

If you need any further information regarding the offers, please do get in contact with us.




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