16th January 2015

Publisher News

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Dear Affiliates,

With health related New Year resolutions now in full swing, many of us are finding it hard to stay on track and maintain a healthy lifestyle change. With our extensive range of quality products, Simply Supplements are at hand to advise our customers and help them find their perfect supplement match.

Product Highlights for January

SimplyBest Burnoff SALE - 20% OFF
- Proven to support weight loss
- 100% Natural Mediterranean citrus fruit extract, including red orange and grapefruit.

Ginkgo Biloba 10,000mg £12.99!
- Supports memory in the short-term
- Strongest Ginkgo extract on the market

Glucosamine 2KCl 1000mg SALE - 10% OFF
- Glucosamine contributes to healthy joint function
- UK made and GMP quality approved

Vitamin D3 2000iu SALE - 75% OFF
- Suitable for vegetarians
- Advanced support for weak bones

30 Day Detox & Colon Cleanse Plus SALE - 10% OFF
- Promotes healthy digestion
- Supports the removal of waste

Happy promoting!
Simply Supplements.



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