10th December 2014

Publisher News

Happy Holidays!

At ValueMyStuff we hope that the beginning of December has brought good tidings to all. To spread the holiday spirit, we have updated our logos to incorporate a bit of the holiday spirit. These are now available to you on the Affiliate Window interface. It is always fun to see what the holidays bring!

The beginning of December has brought our ValueMyStuff specialists some interesting stuff as well. We recently valued this Two Seated Sleigh! Made of wrought iron, the sleigh was handmade by a carpenter in Pittsburgh in the late 1800’s and restored in 2001. The front seat is removable and can be used to store goods (perhaps Santa’s toys?!) The finishing is absolutely spectacular and the hand painted scrolling details on the front and sides of the sleigh are beautiful!

The sleigh was valued by our specialists with estimates of $2,500 - $3,500. It is unclear whether this sleigh was built by Santa’s elves, but our expert dared to speculate that this sleigh was once used by Santa Himself when bringing his toys to all the lovely Philadelphia girls and boys.

Each day at ValueMyStuff brings us a surprising art, antique or collectable. To incentivize your customers to join in the ValueMyStuff experience, we are offering the following discount on our Buy 3 Valuations option. When your customers use the code “VMSanta” they can buy 3 valuations and receive a fourth valuation free!

If you have any questions or wish to receive more information about ValueMyStuff, please contact megan@valuemystuff.com.

Happy Holidays!




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