50% OFF LA Muscle Workout Recovery Gel
Dear Affiliates
50% OFF LA Muscle Workout Recovery Gel
Voucher Code: recovery812
Offer starts now
End date: 2 September 2012
30% OFF Explosive Creatine ending Sunday 26th August
Voucher Code: explosive812
Great Limited offer to save you money
LA Muscle Laboratories have created the perfect post workout recovery gel that can be used after each and every workout to aid in the recuperation and repair of your muscles. The LA Muscle Workout Recovery Active Gel is a cool, penetrative, water based gel which you can literally see and feel working within a few seconds of applying it to your muscles.
• Rub after workouts for speedier recovery
• Cool gel, reduces chances of post-workout injuries
• Big 200 ml tube
• Increases blood flow locally - The Active Gel increases the flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen within seconds.
• Cools and relaxes muscles - Powerful herbs and active ingredients ensure your muscles are cooled down correctly and any chances of post workout injuries are reduced.
• Ideal for muscle maintenance: Don't lose muscles as a result of lack of use.
• Over 10 amino acids - That are applied directly to your muscles for instant, speedy muscle repair.
All they have to do is visit http://www.lamuscle.com/products/workout-recovery-active-gel
Kind regards
LA Muscle Affiliate Team