35% Off Polypropylene Tape at Rajapack

Written by Rajapack on . Posted in Awin, Business Services (B2B), Network, Offers/Promotions, Office, Sector

As February’s promotion of the month, Rajapack are offering up to 35% off Polypropylene Tape.

Affiliates should take full advantage of the opportunity to incentivise purchases and gain the full benefits of the competitive 7% commission rate offered by the program.


Also, don’t forget that we have now reverted back to offering a free rechargeable mini speaker to any customer that places an order over £75!To claim this fantastic free gift customers simply have to entire FGSPEAKER at the checkout.

For the most up to date information follow us on Twitter – @RajaAffiliates or if you have any further questions regarding the Rajapack affiliate program, do not hesitate to contact me at [email]Rajapack@mediawow.co.uk[/email].

If you are not already on the Rajapack Affiliate Program sign up today on Affiliate Window - https://ui.awin.com/merchant-profile/3837

