30% OFF LA Muscle NEW Clear Protein Orange drink.
Dear Affiliates
*NEW* LA Muscle Protein Drink
Offer starts now
Sunday 3rd June 2012
Voucher code: clear512
30% OFF LA Muscle NEW Clear Protein Orange drink.
LA Muscle's delicious orange flavoured Clear protein is a refreshing way to deliver the most premium 100% pure whey protein straight into your muscles. Clear protein contains over 30g of pure whey protein isolate per serving and is free of carbohydrates, sugar and is virtually fat free. It also contains a vast array of vitamins and minerals.
Clear Protein contains the best protein you can get for building muscles. It contains all 18 amino acids needed for efficient muscle building as well as BCAAs and glutamate. There are no cheap sources of protein in Clear Protein; only the very best, top of the range LA Whey Protein Isolate which turns to muscles fast.
All they have to do is visit http://www.lamuscle.com/products/clear-protein-drink-la-muscle
LA Muscle
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