28% / 29% / 30% off at THE PROTEIN WORKS™ IE
Morning Affiliates,
Hope your week is treating you well!
We're taking on Autumn here at TPW™ Towers with a massive 28% off, leading up to 30% off at the end of the week! All the details for these vouchers and when to promote them can be found below:-
Code: AA28
Discount: 28% off
Valid: Ends Thursday 27th October
Code: AA29
Discount: 29% off
Valid: Friday 28th October - Saturday 29th October
Code: AA30
Discount: 30% off
Valid: Sunday 30th October - Monday 31st October
Link - http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=5150&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fie.theproteinworks.com%2F
(Remember to replace !!!id!!! with your affiliate ID)
If you have any queries or exposure opportunities please let me know!
TPW™ Affiliate Team
Tags: code, coupon, discount, fitness, health, myprotein, Protein, supplements, The protein works, voucher