20% off Digestive Health Products

Written by Hannah on . Posted in Programme Launches, Uncategorized


Why miss out on all of your favourite foods? Proactazyme is a fantastic product which is especially useful when you feel uncomfortably full after a meal.  It contains plant based food enzymes to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and difficult to digest foods.

All of us at some point in our lives has had to take antibiotics.  Pro B11 helps to replenish healthful micro-organisms, and it is especially useful after using these antibiotics that destroy both good and bad bacteria in the body. This product is also useful for when you are planning to travel abroad or are pregnant or trying to conceive. A fantastic all round product.

These products are already discounted. To find these offers, please visit our offers page https://www.zuaffiliate.com/collections/special-offers

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To get in touch, please email ruth.harrington@lilyandloaf.com. I would love to hear about new ideas and opportunities.