Graze Shop Commission Changes
Dear Affiliates,
Good just got exciting – join the UK's number one healthier snacking brands new venture graze shop and earn up to 5% net basket value for every purchase!
A little bit about us…
Graze was born out of a love of real food and a lack of good snacking choices (especially when we were stuck in the office). We were faced with either healthy options that were just plain dull, or more interesting treats that left us feeling… less than amazing. So we quit our jobs and started on a mission to make good snacks exciting. Armed with our own flavour know-how, and inspired by flavours from around the world, we combine wholesome ingredients in inventive new ways, to create exciting snacks you can look forward to.
Over 3 million UK residents have tried graze and you can join in on the action by earning 5% on every order!
About the affiliate program…
The graze shop affiliate program offers 5% commission on net order value on affiliate coded sales.
Affiliate promo codes are:
• AFF10 (10% off for new and returning customers)
• AFF16 (£5 off £20+ orders for new customers who create an account)
• AFF20 (20% off for new customers who create an account)
1% commission on net order values from non-affiliate coded sales will be approved.
More information:
• Sales in the UK only
• AOVs of c.£30!
Tools to help you effectively promote graze shop...
Once you have been approved onto the program you will have exclusive access to a range of effective images and tools to help you best promote graze, such as:
• graze shop logos
• banner creative in various sizes
• Text Links / Links to promotional pages
• ...and more, just ask for it!
In addition, we regularly update creative and text links, and provide information on forthcoming promotions and seasonal events to help you maximise your earnings. And if you have any specific requests, we'll do our very best to help!
Remember to replace !!!ID!!! with your own publisher ID.
Thanks and Happy Promoting!
The Graze Shop Affiliate Team.