Discontinued Savings At The Jewel Hut
Written by Optimus Performance Marketing on . Posted in Awin, Fashion, Gifts, Gadgets & Toys, Jewellery, UK, Voucher Codes
Discontinued Savings At The Jewel Hut
This week, we bring you news of big savings on some discontinued brands here at The Jewel Hut. Simply use the code JEWELHUT20 at the checkout to save on the following brands - all prices subject to available stock and ends 31/12/17
Bill Skinner - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/bill-skinner-jewellery/
Couer De Lion - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/coeur-de-lion/
Ice Watch - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/ice-watch/
Love Hearts - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/love-hearts-jewellery/
Lovelinks - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/lovelinks/
Rachel Galley - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/rachel-galley-jewellery/
V Jewellery - https://www.thejewelhut.co.uk/v-jewellery/