10% Discount and Made in 7 Days on new Cardiff home textiles
Hello Affiliates,
Dekoria's new March promotion offers customers a winning combination of a 10% discount and expedited manufacturing (made to order in 7 days) on all Cardiff home textiles including made to measure blinds and curtains and Ikea sofa and chair covers. We're offering hundreds of products to choose from to suit different interiors, styles from modern and maritime to traditional and countryside and colour schemes from bestselling neutrals and blues to stlylish olive and pink tones. Check out the whole Cardiff range here.
Enjoy our new offer and if you have any questions, please contact us on ali@dekoria.co.uk
Tags: 10% discount, 10% discount home and garden, 10% discount of blinds, 10% discount of curtains and blinds, 10% off blinds, 10% off curtains, discount furniture cover, discount furniture covers, discount home and garden, promotion, promotion blinds, promotion curtains, promotion curtains and blinds, promotion furniture cover, promotion furniture covers, promotion home textiles, promotion made to measure blinds, promotion made to measure curtains, promotion of home and garden, promotions, promotions cotton curtains, saving blinds, saving curtains, saving home textiles, saving made to measure blinds, saving made to measure curtains