10% Commission + Essential Summer Style
Hi Affiliates
Don't forget we are offering 10% commission to ALL of our Affiliates and we have some fabulous new banners for you too!
Deep Link:
The Bailey Maxi Dress (as seen above):
<a href="http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=3572&awinaffid=!!!id!!!&clickref=&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gorgeouscouture.com%2Fthe-bailey-maxi-dress%3FcolourId%3D102%26optId%3D200%26cat%3D60" onmouseover="self.status='http://www.gorgeouscouture.com/the-bailey-maxi-dress?colourId=102&optId=200&cat=60'; return true;" onmouseout="self.status=''; return true;" target="_top">The Bailey Maxi Dress</a>
** Don't forget to replace !!!id!!! with your publisher ID
Have a great day!
GC xx
Tags: 10% Commission, high commission, maxi dresses, new banners, summer styles, womens fashion